
Workshop on coherent light-matter interaction

We have decided to use Dieter Suter’s vist as an excuse to orangise a get together of local groups interested the interaction between light and atoms or atom-like objects.

Quantum Science Otago is kindly funding the workshop.


The workshop will be held on Monday 28th of September


09:00Pick up your name tag
09:20Openning remarks
09:30Dieter Suter (Dortmund)Optimising the efficiency of microwave resonators for electron spin resonance
10:15Morning tea
10:45Matt Sellars (ANU)Developing a non-classical light source based on rare-earth doped crystals
11:30Lincoln Turner (Monash)Measuring and controlling spinor condensates with magnetic resonance
13:45Auguié / Darby (VUW)Enhanced optical absorbance of dye molecules adsorbed to metallic nanoparticles
14:15Stephen Chen (Otago)Microwave-optical quantum state conversion using rare earth ion dopants
14:45Mike Reid (Canterbury)Modelling of energy levels in low-symmetry quantum-information candidate materials
15:15Afternoon Tea
15:45Milos Rancic (ANU)Characterising erbium sites in silicon
16:15Harald Schwefel (Otago)Microwave-optical quantum state conversion using whispering gallery mode resonators
16:45Close / Lab Tours

There will probably be a workshop dinner to follow but hasn’t been organised yet.


St Margarets College on the University of Otago campus.